Discover friends, family, and purpose
Check out the different ways to get involved with MCWS Youth
For friends and family
We know that this is a challenging time for many and we have a resource list available with information regarding mental health, counseling, food assistance, and more.
Our Weekly Halaqas
Join us at any of our weekly halaqas for brothers and sisters. Virtual halaqas are available for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college students.
Discover brotherhood
“A believer to another believer is as though a building whose different parts support one another” Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
Wherever you are in life, our community is here to embrace you. The young brothers of MCWS grow learning to treat one another like family. Check out our brotherhood page to find out how to get connected.

Discover Sisterhood
We are excited to get to know you and welcome you into our sisterhood.
No matter where you are in your journey, we strive to foster true unity in sisterhood by supporting you. Check out our sisterhood page to connect with us!